Knowing Hormonal Changes In Women May Help Diabetes Management
Women go through a lot of hormonal changes throughout their lives. A presenter at the annual meeting of the Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists claims that these crazy hormones are primarily responsible for why women are at a higher risk of having diabetes in comparison to men.
The name of the presenter is Nazli Parast, RN, CDE, BScN, MScN, and EdD. Nazli is associated with the University of Ottawa Heart Institute as a certified diabetes educator at the clinics for women’s heart health and hypertension. Nazli Parast is also an advance nurse.
She highlighted that women undergo various changes, and their bodies face different challenges at each stage. Hormonal changes and imbalances vary before, during, and after pregnancy. Women going through menopause also face massive hormonal changes.
In addition, Nazli Parast mentioned that physical inactivity is higher in women, and they tend to gain more weight than men because of health issues like polycystic ovarian syndrome.
And many women become victims of gestational diabetes and develop lifelong risks of having type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Again, premenopausal women put on weight, and their obesity makes them more prone to diabetes.
Even women who face early menopause or have “premature ovarian insufficiency” are likely to gain weight and invite diabetes.
According to Nazli, when a woman has diabetes, she will have many other health issues to manage. A diabetic woman can frequently develop urinary tract infections and suffer from yeast development.
The risks of cardiovascular diseases are also higher in women who have diabetes. Among other complications of diabetes in women are problems in glycemic management before and during their menstrual periods.
Diabetes brings complications during pregnancy, and it causes uncontrolled boost up and decrease of glucose levels in women undergoing premenopause and menopause. Premenopausal or menopausal women are likely to suffer from this health issue because their estrogen level is lower.
She said, “When we better understand the challenges women are going through and pose solutions — whether it is more specific and targeted medication management or lifestyle modification or coaching — we will be able to help them reach the target. Keep in mind that managing diabetes can have a huge impact on improving cardiovascular health, specifically in women.”
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