Happy Women’s Day: The Only Way To Celebrate Women’s Day In 2023!
A very happy Women’s Day to you all lovelies!
If you are a woman, or identify as one, and want to celebrate the day and love yourself, keeping it to yourself, you have reached the right place. And if you are a man, or identify as one, and want to make the women in your life feel special, there is no better place that you would rather be than this!
Keep reading this article till the end to learn more about the same…
International Happy Women’s day: The Story Behind!
8 March is widely celebrated as International Women’s Day globally. This is something that we all know. However, what a lot of people fail to understand is the history behind it.
Many men and even women do not have any idea why we celebrate and wish happy Women’s Day on 8th March.
No wonder, there are a lot of people who talk aimlessly that there should not be such a day!
Gender equality has long been a dream, and believe it or not, it is a dream which has not been achieved. And that is the reason why as a society, that wants to uplift the lives of people of all genders, we have decided to focus on gender equity. And that is exactly what the UN says as well.
Expecting gender equality is more like thinking of a utopian world. But hey, what is wrong with gender equity?
Trivia: Did you know that the International Women’s Day campaign theme for 2023 is #EmbraceEquity? |
If you look up on the internet or even at the pages of the dictionary, you will see that equity means the quality of having a fair and impartial life. And is that not what our feminist leaders wanted to achieve for the women of the world in the first place?
Let’s take a deeper look at why 8 March is celebrated as Happy Women’s Day around the globe…
Women’s Right Movements
Yes! That is exactly why Women’s Day is celebrated on this day. Let me tell you the history for a better understanding.
In the year 1857, on March 8, there was a protest by the women garment workers in New York. On 28 February 1909, a group of women activists from the Socialist Party of America commemorated that day as National Women’s Day.
In the year 1910, the International Socialist Women’s conference was held in Denmark where the protestors and several other delegates decided to establish an Annual Women’s Day. However, no specific date was selected. The following year, the first International Women’s Day was celebrated on 19 March.
So, why is it celebrated on 8 March these days?
Well, on 8 March 1917, women textile workers started protesting in Saint Petersburg (formerly known as Petrograd) and demanded “Bread and Peace” in order to end the ongoing world. This protest ultimately led to the February Revolution, engulfing the entire city.
“Every woman’s success should be an inspiration to another. We’re the strongest when we cheer each other on.”
– Serena Williams
The day is observed as Women’s Day in order to bring to attention several issues that women have faced and continue to face on a regular basis. These issues consist of gender inequality, reproductive rights, and abuse and violence against women.
According to the United Nations, “International Women’s Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is a day when women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political.”
In the year 1975, the UN commemorated 8 March as International Women’s Day. In 1979, the General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, which is popularly referred to as the Women’s Bill of Rights.
And look how far we have come!
International Happy Women’s Day Campaign For 2023: #EmbraceEquity
Did you know that in order to uplift and empower women throughout the world, every year there is a new IWD campaign? And these campaigns have their specific themes.
The theme for 2023 International Women’s Day is #EmbraceEquity.
According to International Women’s Day, the aim of the “ IWD 2023 #EmbraceEquity campaign theme is to get the world talking about Why equal opportunities aren’t enough. People start from different places, so true inclusion and belonging require equitable action.”
It is time that we challenge gender discrimination and stereotypes and seek inclusivity. It is almost extremely important for people to understand that gender equity and the drive towards achieving this is not only limited to women. “Allies are incredibly important for the social, economic, cultural, and political advancement of women.”
Here is a quick video that will help you understand what it is:
According to IWD, “Gender is intersectional, and women as a group are truly diverse. Policies that benefit white women, for example, may not benefit women of color due to historical or current inequalities. A shift from gender equality to the process of gender equity is required for meaningful progress.”
“There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.”
–Michelle Obama
Actor and UN Goodwill Ambassador, Priyanka Chopra, has rightly pointed out the difference between equity and equality in one of her interviews. She said:
“Physiologically, men and women are different. There is no debate about it. When we talk about equality and opportunity, we talk about cerebral opportunity. We are not saying we want to be able to be like a 200-pound man and beat the shit out of somebody else. We are not saying that. We’re saying you give the ability to get the job, to be the CEO and nobody should question a woman’s choices or her drive to be someone. So if she is 50, a CEO, and a mother of three. do not question her.”
Happy Women’s Day: The Best Way To Celebrate Women’s Day In 2023!
“I was searching for the best ways to celebrate Happy Women’s Day but why am I being taught about the things that I did not seek?”
Is this something that you have been thinking?
Well, that is because I wanted to come to a very crucial point. And that is the fact that it is impossible to dedicate a particular day to celebrating women.
It is impossible that you give the women in your life, be it your mother, wife, sister, daughter, girlfriend, friend, or even your female colleague, attention for a single day.
In order to truly celebrate women’s day and to wish them “Happy Women’s Day” it is important that you celebrate her every day. It is important that you support her every day. It is important that you understand and respect her every day.
“God is a Woman”
– Ariana Grande
In order to celebrate Women’s Day, and to make it a happy one for her, it is essential that you stand up for her when you think that she is being wronged. And NO. That will not be considered mansplaining or you taking her side.
She is having a bad day? Give her some chocolates and try listening to what is bothering her.
You are on a crowded bus and you see someone harassing a woman? Do not turn a blind eye to that! Raise your voice and stand up for her.
Your wife is going through a very difficult postpartum phase? Try to be there for her and help her raise the child together. If she has just fallen asleep after taking care of the newborn, make sure that she can get her rest.
Love your daughter as much as you would love your son. Treat your daughter just the way you would treat your son. Make her understand her worth from the very childhood.
There are so many things that you can do in order to celebrate Women’s Day. So, why just stick to one?
Bottom Line: Celebrate The Women In Your Life Every Day!
In case you were searching for the best ways to celebrate women’s day this year and the most authentic ways of wishing the women in your life a very happy Women’s day. I hope that this article has been of help to you. If there are any other queries related to the same feel free to let me know in the comment box below at the bottom of the page.
Do not forget to share your thoughts and suggestions and views on women’s day! And remember, in order to celebrate women’s day, you need to truly celebrate the women in your life. Make her feel special every day, not just one day!
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